Frequently Asked Questions
11 Church Street
Oakland Maine
(207) 570-9973
Robin Moore
Q: Can you help me get a business started?
A: Yes, I can get everything set up for you.

Q: What if I want to change my business name, can you help?
A: Yes, I can

Q: What type of taxes do you do?
A: Personal, Business, Farms, wholesalers, Inheritance, capital gains and losses

Q: Can you amend taxes?
A: Yes, I can amend taxes back up to 3 years

Q: I need help getting affordable health and dental can you help with that?
A: I am not an insurance agent or salesman, but can help direct you to find affordable health care

Q:  Can you handle my payroll needs?
A: Yes, I can do payroll & taxes including 941,940, W-4, Social Security, Medicare, etc.

Q: Do you do shoebox cleanup?
A: I take shoebox, Walmart bags, binders, totes full of receipts and income reports to prepare your monthly income & expense reports

Q: Do you offer consulting for business ventures?
A: yes, I can look at your business funds and tell you if you are going to owe in or get a refund.

Q: Do you apply for state loans for businesses?
A: yes, I can apply for you for thrive loans and state funding loans.
